how to make tea on the go

It can be a struggle to get out the door each morning. It’s even harder sometimes just to start your day on a positive note, let alone trying to get out the door with something healthy to drink to keep you focused. Finding something that’s easy to drink, quick to make and keeps you hydrated and provides an energy boost should be the goal. 

When you are learning how to make cold tea on the go, you should look for cold brew options like cold brew tea bags you can place in the bottom of a travel tea cup. Some on the go tea options include water boosters infused with Vitamins B and C to boost energy and immunity.

Learn more about the different on the go tea options available for tea drinkers, the best way to brew and how making tea on the go can be a quick and satisfying experience that won’t slow you down even on your busiest of days.

How Do You Carry Tea to Work?

How Do You Carry Tea to Work? 

Carrying tea to work and preparing it can be complicated and a long, drawn out task, depending on how much time you give yourself in the morning. When you are trying to figure out how to make the perfect tea for travel, you need time to make your tea, time to steep your tea and a tea to go mug that’s safe and well insulated.

How to Make Hot Tea on the Go

When you are preparing hot tea for travel, you should place a tea bag or bags in your travel mug and fill with hot water. Steep the tea for the appropriate time and then remove the tea bags. Add milk, sugar, or lemon to taste and seal the container tightly for travel. 

How Do You Travel With Hot Tea?

Make sure you have a container for your hot tea that you can travel with safely and confidently. Choosing a good thermos to carry your hot beverage and one that will fit in your car’s cup holders is the most important part of traveling with your hot morning tea. 

How Do I Make Tea at the Office?

If you don’t have time to make tea at home before you leave for work, you can always make tea when you get to the office. You just need to know the lay of the land in your office kitchen or cafeteria. Follow these steps: 

  • Get creative by finding a way to heat some water in the microwave or look for an electric kettle that’s available for everyone to use. 
  • Some office kitchens may even provide an oven with a conventional teapot or a coffee maker that also provides a hot water dispenser feature. 
  • Look for tea that everyone can use or bring your preferred tea from home and store in your desk.
  • Find a cup or bring your favorite mug with you to the office kitchen and leave the mug in your desk for continued use. 
  • Steep your tea for the appropriate time listed on the instructions.
  • Add desired sweetener, milk, lemon and enjoy!

How Do I Make Tea From My Desk?

Depending on your office setup and your employee handbook, you may be allowed to have an electric kettle or a Hot Shot water dispenser at your desk. This would allow you to conveniently boil water at your desk and steep your tea while working in your work space. If you are not allowed to make tea from your desk, follow the instructions above to make tea in your office-provided kitchen. 

dropping a tea bag in a mug

Can I Travel with Tea Bags? 

Whether you are traveling to work, flying or taking public transportation, it’s safe to travel with tea bags. We recommend taking your favorite type of tea tightly sealed with you in your work travel bag. You can also keep a box of quality tea in your desk so it’s easily accessible to make tea on the go wherever and whenever you are in the mood for some. 

If you are traveling by plane, solid food items such as tea can be packed in your carry-on bag or in a checked bag. Only liquid or gel items larger than 3.4 ounces are not allowed for travel with you on an airplane. 

How Do You Make Tea Step by Step?

How to Make Tea Instructions

  • Boil water
  • Pour directly into your travel mug if you are traveling
  • Warm up a teapot and pour hot water inside if you are serving tea at home
  • Cover the teapot and steep your tea with the appropriate number of tea bags for the recommended steep time. 
  • If you are steeping tea in a travel mug, place tea bags inside and steep per the instructions. 
  • Remove the tea bags from the travel mug and add milk, sugar, honey or lemon before closing the lid securely. 
  • If you are serving at home, pour the hot tea into tea cups after the recommended steep time is finished.
water pouring over ice

Can You Still Make Tea with Cold Water?

If you are really in a rush, the best option is to cold brew tea before heading off for your day. The best way to make tea with cold water is by using cold water infusion tea bags that are specifically formulated for steeping tea in cold water. 

Is Cold Brew Tea Bad For You?

Cold brew tea is not bad for you at all. If you choose a tea bag that is specially formulated for cold water brewing, you will find a tea that is refreshing and clean tasting. 

How to Cold Brew Tea

Steeping tea in cold water has been proven to provide the same steeping, antioxidant and nutritional benefits as tea steeped in hot water. In fact, cold water infusion tea bags are also made to retain the same or even improve antioxidant levels when compared to hot brewing methods. 

Can Any Tea Be Cold Brewed?

The only tea that should be cold brewed is tea that is specially formulated and crafted for cold water brewing. Those looking for cold brew tea options should specifically look for tea that includes cold water tea bag brewing or cold infuse water enhancer language on the tea packaging. 

How to Make Cold Tea on the Go

It’s so much easier to cold brew tea when you are on the go and don’t have time for the lengthier hot brew tea option. It’s the best way to make tea at home before your busy day starts.

How Do You Make Cold Tea Fast?

To make cold tea on the go fast, you simply add your cold water tea bags to your water bottle or cup of tea, add cold water and you have delicious cold brew tea after waiting for the steeping time to finish. This option allows you to jumpstart your day so much quicker.

Even better, many cold water tea on the go options offer enhanced benefits like infused Vitamins B and C along with delicious flavors. Cold water brewing also helps you stay hydrated on the go during busy days without forgetting the water and the vitamins!

Salada Water Boosters for Tea on the Go

Enjoy Salada Water Boosters for Tea on the Go Today!

Salada offers the best option when you are trying to figure out how to prepare tea on the go! Our Peach Mango Water Boosters and Strawberry Lemonade Water Boosters offer a delicious and refreshing way to stay hydrated all day with infused Vitamins B & C, while enjoying the perfect tea on the go experience. 

Learn how to calculate your water intake needs, tackle some self care tips this year and try a Salada water boosters on the go tea bundle today to stay hydrated!
February 04, 2022 — Kurt Schultheis